31 October 2006

Intuition and Your Child

I just finished reading an article on the power of intuition. Not intuition in the magical mind-reading, future telling sense, but intuition in the "knowing" sense.

Recent studies have found that people who actively use their intuition make accurate assessments of people, surroundings and events in mere moments. And studies have further shown that the assessments made, when evaluated, are quite "dead-on."

So, what value does this serve for you? Well, as your children grow and have what I would call "instinctive responses" to certain things, instead of questioning those feelings and pushing your child past them or through them, teach them the value of listening to that inner voice.

We're taught that we should learn, memorize, use common sense, and use other people as guides to making decisions, but I think we've all made decisions we've regretted by using these guides. The reality may be that we already know the best route, safest way, or who to trust by tapping into our own intuition.

So the next time your toddler, school-aged child, or teen has a strong feeling about something, teach them to trust what they're feeling. There's a really good chance that it's very in-tune with what's really going on. And by building and supporting them to trust in their own intuition, you provide them a great gift: the gift of self trust and strengthened intuition.

Build that, and you're starting something really great!

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